This course covers all the basic components of day and night hiking and is an excellent starting point for all things hiking. The skills, tips and knowledge you take away from this excellent hands-on course will get you ready for your next big hiking adventure.
Weekend Course

This is an enjoyable weekend course (2 days/2 nights) out bush learning the basics of hiking. Lessons are practical-based, meaning it is 90% hands-on training. There is no judging or expectation. It is about learning skills that will last a lifetime. The setting is relaxed and outdoors. The course is run by experienced male and female instructors, who do this professionally, meaning it's not a side gig, they do it for a living at pro level as instructors and pro hikers.
We will cover all types of equipment, techniques, tips and tricks we can cram into a weekend course without turning your brains into fog and jelly. Instruction is practical, hands-on and informative but will be backed by application - applying the knowledge - with our supervision.
All attendees will receive a list of the kit they need for the course. With packs on their backs, they head out bush and learn the skills in real-time, real-world conditions.
We are running courses across VIC, ACT, NSW, QLD and SA and over weekend blocks to suit most people's work schedules. If you can commit to more than a weekend, consider completing our 5 day hiking course.
Hiking equipment type, selection, use ( Packs, tents, mats, stoves etc)
Equipment packing, weight distribution and care
Clothing and footwear types, selection, use and care
Cooking and eating (food types, ideas)
Pooing, Peeing and Hygiene ( Yep, this must be taught!)
Hiking techniques on varying terrain ( day and night)
Trail planning (route selection, map reading, distances, speeds etc)
Hike logistics (food and water carry, how much and how little)
- Basic hiking safety and management
- Minimal Impact Hiking
- Much, much, much more!!
9 Students Max/ Min 5
Weekend Course
Start - Friday Evening 630pm
Finish - Sunday 4pm
Meet on Location ( Exact location specified later)
BYO your own equipment or hire equipment for the course
BYO your own hiking consumables (food, drink, fuel etc)
You can pre-order hiking consumables from us
You will need to register your interest early and secure a spot. Once you have done that we will send you information about the course, the location and what you need to do to prepare.
On the Friday evening of the course, we will all meet at a pre-designated rendevous point at car park or campsite point in the national park by 7pm. We will try and keep all the course locations within 2-3 hours driving time (max) of the city CBD.
Once everyone arrives and has settled in on the Friday night, we will briefly cover the course plan, hopefully around a fire, have dinner and socialise a bit before bed at around 10pm. We will all camp together in the same campground. The instructors will be on site 24-7 for the whole course and will camp with you on-site.
The following morning, Saturday, will start earlyish, 7am. With the exception of regular breaks between lessons, and eating (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner) the rest of the time will be course instruction. We will finish on 9pm Saturday night. Sunday will be a repeat of timings but we will finish at 4pm.
Saturday will be covering the subject modules, and Sunday will be the application of knowledge, which means, we all go hiking and practice what we learned!
The whole course will be completed outdoors. There is no indoor classroom instruction. The whole course (students and instructors) will be together the whole time.
$350 per person
The fee will cover the instruction and park permits only.
You will be required to bring your own equipment and consumables.
You will be required to arrange your own transport unless we can arrange course transportation.
$350 per person
Beginner or new to hiking
2 days / 2 night
Out field for duration
Max 7 Attendees / Min 4
8-10 November 2024
Lake Eildon National Park, VIC​
Booked Out
15-17 November 2024
Lake Eildon National Park, VIC​
Low numbers - might get cancelled
6-8 December 2024
Lake Eildon National Park, VIC​
13-15 December 2024
Lake Eildon National Park, VIC​
Booked Out
10-12 January 2024
Lake Eildon National Park, VIC​
Booked Out
17-19 January 2024
Lake Eildon National Park, VIC​
Booked Out
Use the form below

Courses for 2024/25 are booked out